Building material Accessories Others Tösalt SP 25 kg Stensalt Watch this product and we will notify you once it is back in stock. The product is now watched We will notify you once the product is back in stock again. E-mail Watch this product Your personal information is processed in accordance with our privacy policy. Tösalt SP 25 kg Stensalt Ett grovt salt, även kallat stensalt, som är lämpligt att användas som tösalt. Reviews Product review Based on 0 ratings. Click on a star to rate 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars You Click on a star to rate Retrieve your Facebook profile. Be the first to leave a review. Timber Building material Outdoor Environment Paint & Painting Interior Kataloger & Broschyrer Kategorier Timber Building material Outdoor Environment Paint & Painting Interior Kataloger & Broschyrer Sidor Customer service Öppettider How do I shop? Terms and conditions Complaint and return Policy and cookies